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Modern Day Slavery

This page brings together some of the wide variety of resources that now exist to help professionals working with children who may have been trafficked, including guidance, policy and referral information.

Reporting Modern Slavery 

Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121700

Kirklees Council Modern Slavery Webpage: Modern slavery and human trafficking | Kirklees Council

Councils have been alerted to the possibility that during work with homeless and other vulnerable people, you or your partners may come across victims of modern slavery during the COVID-19 emergency. There is some useful guidance available online about the signs to spot. 

Useful Information

The Passage (homelessness charity) has developed a handbook for staff working with homeless people

The Home Office has published Modern Slavery Awareness & Victim Identification Guidance

Useful resources available on Stop the Traffik’s website

The Home Office predicts that there may be as many as 13,000 victims in the UK alone. There is no typical victim of trafficking or slavery. Victims can be men, women and children of all ages and cut across the population, but it is normally more prevalent amongst the most vulnerable, minority or socially excluded groups who rarely come forward to seek help due to language barriers, threats, fear of traffickers and / or fear of being criminalised

Traffickers use force, deception, or coercion to lure their victims and force them into labour, criminality or sexual exploitation. They look for people who are susceptible for a variety of reasons, including psychological or emotional vulnerability or economic hardship. The trauma caused by the traffickers can be so great that many may not identify themselves as victims or ask for help, even in highly public settings.

There are several broad categories of exploitation linked to human trafficking, these can include:

  • Sexual exploitation
  • Forced labour and domestic servitude
  • Organ harvesting
  • Child related crimes such as child sexual exploitation – CSE
  • Criminal Exploitation – forced begging, illegal drug cultivation, organised theft, related benefit frauds etc
  • Forced marriage

West Yorkshire Police – Intelligence Submission Partnership Portal


  • Designed to offer a simple internet based portal, to give key strategic partners the opportunity to submit information to a central police triage team.
  • It is not designed to replace any current referral mechanisms in place; you must continue as per agreed service level agreements.
  • The portal is there to submit the information that is routinely gathered by partners, we are not asking for any additional work on your behalf.
  • It is for information about criminality that you feel would be of interest to West Yorkshire Police.

Contact details:

Intelligence Management Unit.

Email –

To request access:

Proposed process:

  • Partner agency gathers information and assesses that it is pertinent to West Yorkshire Police.
  • Access the portal and complete the intuitive screens.

Access to the partnership portal:

  • Each partner will be given one log on to the portal, it will be shared amongst as many staff as that partnership deems appropriate.
  • There will be a shared password within the organisation.
  • Access will need:
      • Internet access.
      • A shared email mailbox account.

How it works:

Access to a unique URL will be given to each partner organisation that signs up to using the portal.

That URL provides access to the portal; this access can be shared within an organisation to whoever you feel it most appropriate.

There will be one shared log on, one shared password per organisation – this is to manage a simple administration process for both partner and the police.


Go to


PIP Precision A4 Poster Updated

Partners Intelligence Crime Briefing

National Referral Mechanism Process Guide

The National referral Mechanism (NRM) is the Home Office process by which identified potential victims of Modern Slavery (includes Human Trafficking) gain access to a number of support services.  The NRM is a two stage process:

The First Responder refers a Potential Victim into the NRM 

Only identified First Responders can make referrals to this process. To refer an adult victim (person over the age of 18) their written consent is needed. If they do consent a referral is made to one of two UK Competent Authorities, these are the Modern Slavery -Human Trafficking Unit (MSHTU) and the United Kingdom Visa Immigration department (UKVI).  No Consent is needed for a child. Adult / child NRM referral forms and guidance can be found at:

Under Section 52 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, identified  Public Authorities have a ‘duty to notify’ , the Home Office of any suspected victim they come across. This process is not applicable if the victim is entered into the NRM.  This process has been created to gather statistics and build a more comprehensive picture of the nature and scale of modern slavery in the UK.  This process should not be used for children. If the potential adult victim does not consent to enter the NRM a form MS1 must be completed and the section 52 process followed.  Adult consent is needed for this. Iif consent is not given the form must still be completed but anonymised.  Documentation can be found at this this link:

Hope for Justice

  • Rescue Our specialist teams work closely with police to identify victims of modern slavery, build bridges of trust with them and remove them from exploitation and into safety
  • Restore We work with victims to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. We offer tailored restorative care initiatives and offer support to meet vital needs, including survivor-centred aftercare.
  • Reform We train professionals to spot the signs of trafficking and to respond, and campaign for policy change. We help businesses protect their operations and supply chains from modern slavery.
  • Find out more here.

Barnado’s therapeutic Group Work – For Trafficked Children

The Therapeutic Group Work Programme is aimed at children who are suspected of being internally trafficked for exploitation.

It’s a six week group work programme with a maximum of 6 per group that provides therapeutic activities which can help develop:

  • Resilience
  • Sense of self-worth & positive value to others
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Aspirations
  • For an overview please click here.
  • For the referral form please click here.
  • To print off the poster please click here.

Reporting Suspicion

Any Kirklees Council Officer or partner agency can report a suspicion of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery via:

If you feel it is an emergency a threat to life or criminal activity you should ring 999 or if you feel there is an adult or child at risk of harm, please follow your safeguarding procedures. 

If you have a suspicion something isn’t right and an adult or a child may a victim it is important you report. No matter how small the piece of information may be, it could be essential in building up a picture and safeguarding a potential victim.

Guidance on how to spot the signs and short films are available on the following links:

Kirklees Child Trafficking Procedures

This is the link to the MS1 form

National Referral Mechanism Booklets

Human Trafficking Leaflets and Posters

Useful Contacts and Links

WY Procedures

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