Click here to access the KSCP E-learning packages
There is also E-learning available via other organisations below.
Understanding Parental Conflict and it’s impact on children
This e-learning course is aimed at anyone who has contact with children, young people and/or their families and work or volunteer in Kirklees. This course will give you a basic understanding in parental conflict and the impact that this has on childrens outcomes. Once you have passed this course, you would then be able to access face to face training to support you to feel confident and competent in having conversations with parents about conflict.
Child Sexual Exploitation
This free 20 minute e-learning course is an introduction to child sexual exploitation (cse). This free course is text and image based and available on the Virtual College Learning Management System.
- Understand child sexual exploitation
- Find out how to spot the signs
- Know who to report any concerns to
For professionals that come into contact with Children
Child Trafficking
This is a free resource which is appropriate for all professionals who may work with children who may have been trafficked. This course provides you with an awareness of the main issues around victim identification and what steps to take to provide support to a child victim of trafficking.
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(Please note that the course is free but there is a charge of £20 should you wish to print the certificate).
This course has been designed for health, mental health, social service providers, educators and any professionals in the UK working with children, adolescents and adults affected by FASD. Parents, Caregivers and family members may also find the course useful.
The course provides an overview of FASD history, risk factors for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, signs, symptoms, prevention and suggested treatment.
Domestic Violence, Substance Misuse and Mental Health
Domestic and sexual violence, problematic substance use and mental ill-health are three issues which often co-exist and when they do, things can become complicated. This course is designed to ‘uncomplicate’ matters by raising your awareness about how the three issues interlink and reflecting on the most effective ways to engage with individuals and families who are affected by these issues
Female Genital Mutilation
The Home Office has launched free online training for frontline professionals in identifying and helping girls at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). This comes as figures are released revealing that police forces have investigated dozens of FGM cases over the last three years.
Prevent Awareness
This offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
Prevent Referrals
This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed and with good intention, and that the response to that concern is considered, and proportionate.
Channel Awareness
This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting.
Forced Marriage Awareness
This resource pack consists of a poster for your staff, a footer for your email, a guide to Forced Marriage legislation and a facts and figures infographic which is designed to be used by all professionals (such as teachers, police officers, social and health care professionals, housing officers) and others who may have to deal with forced marriages in the course of their work.
It provides a basic understanding of the key issues surrounding forced marriage, how cases can present, and how to respond appropriately.
- http://www.safeguardingchildrenea.co.uk/resources/awareness-of-forced-marriage-register-for-training/
Drugs Awareness
This free drugs training is suitable whether you are a parent, carer, employer, employee, friend or somebody who is worried about anyone who is or may be using drugs (legal and illegal substances).
There are two courses to choose from depending on whether you are working with young people or if you are supporting adults.
The package contains audio video clips which require enabled speakers or use of a headset via the computer audio output socket. When viewing the video please listen carefully to the ‘opinions’ being expressed together and consider them in conjunction with the video discussion points.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
About: This training gives an introduction into adverse childhood experience and how they can impact on a child’s development. It covers seven sections:
- An Introduction to ACEs: By the end of this section you will be able to identify adverse experiences that can impact on a child’s development and their response to stress.
- Brain Development in the Early Years: By the end of this section you will understand the importance of healthy brain development in a child’s early years and the impacts of toxic stress.
- The Impact of Childhood Adversity: By the end of this section you will understand that experiencing adversity in childhood can have a significant impact over a person’s life course resulting in ill health, poor wellbeing and in some cases premature death.
- Social, Health and Community Impacts of ACEs Early Trauma: By the end of this section you will be able to identify a range of social and community impacts resulting from ACEs.
- Protective Factors: By the end of this section you will be able to give key examples of ‘Protective Factors’ that can help prevent ACEs and different strategies that can help build resilience.
- Looking at ACEs Through a Trauma Informed Lens: By the end of this section you will understand what it means to look at adverse childhood experiences through a ‘trauma informed lens’.
- Building Resilience: By the end of this section you will understand how building resilience can help mitigate the impact of ACEs
ACE’s E-learning: https://www.acesonlinelearning.com/
The Anti-Bullying Alliance has developed a suite of free online training for anyone that works with children and young people. The programme was particularly developed to reduce levels of bullying of disabled children and those with special educational needs (SEN) but applies to all children.
Training courses include:
- What is bullying?
- Bullying and the Law
- Bullying and SEN/disability
- 10 principles to reduce bullying
- Preventing bullying
- Responding to bullying
- Cyberbullying (Online bullying)
For further information, please visit the Anti-Bullying Alliance website
Prevent Covid 19
This online training course has been created by Learn Et Al through Virtual College. It aims to provide learners with information on COVID-19 and suggests best practice for businesses in the current climate.
How to use Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app that helps your team stay organized and have conversations—all in one place. With Microsoft Teams on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can pull together a team, use chat instead of email and securely edit files at the same time.
Microsoft Teams Training Video
How to use Skype for Business
Skype for Business lets you connect with co-workers or business partners in your company or around the world.
Skype for Business Training Video
Infection Prevention and Control – Free Course
Everyone has a part to play when it comes to infection prevention and control. Ensuring you know the most effective ways you can stop the spread of viruses could help reduce the risk of infection in your workplace.
Launch Training (Please note, there is now a charge for this training)
- Free course – Prepare to save a life (first aid training)
- Free Infographic – How to reduce the spread of infection
- Free Poster – How to wash your hands