Social Media Policy
The Kirklees Safeguarding Childrens Partnership (KSCP) intends to engage in a positive way with partners and members of the public in Kirklees and across West Yorkshire using social media but has set out some guidelines to ensure that these conversations are appropriate and give you an idea as to how certain types of information will be treated:
- Please respect other users
The KSCB want to engage with partners and the public on this site, so we encourage you to share your point of view. We don’t expect you to agree with other users (unless you want to), but we do expect you to write your comments in a respectful way. Please don’t make personal, aggressive or hateful comments about other users. If your content is offensive to someone, or can be interpreted offensively we may have to remove your comments from our site and commence disciplinary proceedings with your agency/organisation. Offensive comments include aggressive, racist or homophobic remarks (and other discriminatory comments), harassment and abuse.
- Avoid offensive language
Please don’t use swear words and other offensive language. If you think there’s a possibility that someone may be offended by your comments, please try to re-write your content in a more sensitive way. Posts including swear words will be removed.
- Don’t break the law
Remember that you are legally responsible for what you do or say online. Please don’t use this site to encourage anyone to break the law, or to make libellous or defamatory remarks (unfair comments that can damage someone else’s reputation). If you do, then you could be held accountable for this in a court of law. You should also be careful not to write anything which could influence the outcome of a current court case. If you do, you could be held in contempt of court.
- Don’t link to inappropriate sites
In some parts of this site, we allow users to add links to other web sites. Please only add a link to your content if the information is relevant to the subject you’re discussing. If you link to a site that includes inappropriate content, or that isn’t relevant to other users, your information may be removed.
- Don’t add commercial content
As we are a public organisation, we don’t feature any commercial content on this site. Please don’t add content in an attempt to gain commercial advantage by promoting your business. Community groups, volunteers and not-for-profit organisations are welcome to share information about their services.
- For your information…
We are unable to monitor Twitter round the clock. Please be aware that due to the sensitive nature of our work, or other primary demands, it may not be possible to answer your/all questions. Please be patient when waiting for a reply.
DO NOT report a crime using Twitter – Twitter is not the correct platform to do so.
We welcome feedback and ideas from all our followers. As previously mentioned, we cannot guarantee we’ll be able to read everything marked for our attention but we will endeavour to ensure any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant people and responded to where possible.
You are also reminded that malicious communications using Twitter may constitute a criminal offence or disciplinary proceedings within your organisation and will be dealt with appropriately.
The Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership (KSCP) reserves the right to remove any post or comment on their social media profile that they deem to be inappropriate, unlawful or damaging to reputation of either the KSCP itself or it’s partners.
We reserve the right to change our social media rules and guidelines at any time including the termination of the account.
To contact the Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership via email please email